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QuickShadow Backup 2.0.5

Version 2.0.5 of QuickShadow Backup corrects a small number or minor annoyances:

– 0000126: [general] Exception at startup when error is displayed

In some rare cases it was possible for an error to display at start time. When that error was displayed, another error tried to be displayed and could not, causing an exception. This case should now be fixed.

– 0000121: [setup] When changing the setup – clear the deferred list

If the settings were changed and the deferred items were being saved, then the change of settings may cause old, saved, deferred items to be tried over and over even though no longer relevant – because the settings had been modified. User is now warning and saved deferred items can be deleted when entering setup.

– 0000120: [synchronise] Make startup delay longer for those who turn on NAS at same time as PC

Some users start their NAS with their PC, and the NAS has a long start/boot time. There is now a new option to make the auto-start take 5 minutes instead of 1 minute.

– 0000119: [setup] Destination using a drive letter sometimes stops working

Windows 7 especially can lose the association between drive letter and its network path. Setup now auto-translates destination drive letters to a full UNC path.

– 0000114: [help, descriptions and FAQ] What do the boxes down the bottom mean? AND BATCHES

Help has been updated to add more information.

– 0000115: [help, descriptions and FAQ] Sync description – won’t run twice on same day

Help has been updated to add more information.

– 0000117: [general] Please wait… checking

Sometimes this would flash up very quickly, causing confusion. Now it is held on the screen a little longer so its easier to read.

– 0000113: [general] Shutting down box – unclear

Wording on the shutting down dialog has been improved.

– 0000112: [general] Spelling error / presentation of destination state

Typo fixed.